Data Analytics
In-depth software analysis to detect weak points and find new product values.

Let Data Work For You!
We use the best Data Analysis practices for software development to bridge a gap between the business needs and the IT team.
Elements of discovery phase of projects:
Industry Analysis
When developing a product, it is necessary to take into account features of the industry where it will be applied. Rules that work for one industry will not always work in the other. At the Discovery Phase, study of your industry specific business processes allows implementation of the best practices and tools.
Competitor Analysis
One of the parts of business analysis services is the research of your competitors, weak spots in their products, and improvements that can be implemented in your product to get a competitive advantage.
Technical Research
There are no two identical projects and each product includes certain business and technical requirements that must be taken into account at the very early stages of development. The result of the Discovery Phase of the project will be a list of recommended technologies and frameworks to use.
Technical Documentation
Tech specification is a crucial part of a project. The success and on-time completion of the project as well as its future development highly depends on how thoroughly the project is clarified and described, how correctly it is reflected in the technical specification.
If you want to be sure that all the wishes for the future software product are taken into account and structured competently, you need a business analysis and we can do this for you. Our IT Business Analysts take you through a business analysis stage, after which you can already turn to product development without the risk of remaining incomprehensible or breaking deadlines!